The Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) at The Women University Multan has been established in line with the aims of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to develop and sustain a dynamic and internationally competitive research sector in Pakistan that makes a major contribution to economic prosperity, national well being and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge.

Promotion of Research is one of the core strategic aims of HEC. Through the program and initiatives launched by HEC for strengthening research and the process of knowledge creation, the quality and research output emanating from the universities and institutes in the country have shown tremendous improvements and Pakistan has been acknowledged as rising star in a number of research disciplines in terms of percentage increase in internationally cited research publications.

Yet, our contribution is no more than a beginning and we need not only to sustain and improve this trend but also contemplate on questions of relevance and economic, social and academic impact of the research. In pursuit of this end, HEC has started working to organize the research activities of universities/HEIs ensuring availability of well-established and fully functional ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization).

The ORICs will provide strategic and operational support to the University’s research activities/program, and will have a central role in facilitating the University’s research outcomes. ORIC at The Women University Multan is an outcome of these efforts.